Centrum voor Midden- en Oost-Europa, Internationale Journalistiek en PR centrum, Tourisme

De Burgemeester van Karpacz nodigt u uit om zijn stad te bezoeken

De Burgemeester van Karpacz nodigt u uit om zijn stad te bezoeken

Zie onderaan de tekst in het Engels:


Poland is a great holiday destination because it has it all: history, nature, delicious food, friendly people, a lot to see and do. Poland means unlimited places for relaxation in the mountains, at the sea, at the lakes or national parks. And it is only 800 km away by car from the Netherlands.

But is Poland really a child-friendly destination? Can it become a new family – holiday destination? This is the question that we tried to answer during our last summer holiday. We have already published articles about Lublin : http://www.communications-unlimited.nl/poland-a-new-family-holiday-destination-part-one-lublin/

and the exclusive invitation from the Mayor of Lublin. Mr. Krzysztof Żuk, Ph.D.: http://www.communications-unlimited.nl/mayor-of-the-city-of-lublin-invites-you-to-visit-his-city/

Wrocław: http://www.communications-unlimited.nl/poland-a-new-family-holiday-destination-part-2-wroclaw/

And the exclusive invitation from the Mayor of Wrocław: Mr. Rafał Dutkiewicz: http://www.communications-unlimited.nl/mayor-of-the-city-of-wroclaw-invites-you-to-meet-in-wroclaw/


Now it is time for the breath-taking Karpacz!




Exclusive invitation to visit Karpacz from the Mayor of this town Mr. Radosław Jęcek


Ladies and Gentlemen


Karpacz is the winter capital of the region, one of the most beautiful towns in the Giant Mountains, an ideal place for families with children to learn skiing, sledding and ice skating. Situated at the foot of the Śnieżka  (the same name as a fairytale princess Snow White ) – the highest peak in the Giant Mountains (1603 m), from centuries aim of tourists and pilgrims hiking. Also it is favourite mountain of photographers, painters and writers.

Diverse hotel base, many centres dedicated to the specific needs of small clients, playgrounds, interactive museums, unique collection of dolls, water and entertainment parks for the whole family are just a few of the many interesting attractions of our town. Let yourself be charmed by the legends of the Spirit of the Mountains who is guarding your safety while hiking and walk  with Giant Mountains Gomes. Holiday in Karpacz is a guarantee of great fun and unforgettable memories. Just try us…


With kind regards


Radosław Jęcek

Mayor of Karpacz



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Our partners:

Municipality of Karpacz :




Municipality of Lublin:


Municipality of Wroclaw:


Polish Tourism Office in Amsterdam:



Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Trade and Investment Promotion Section:


Stone-Harbour :



Medical Centre Vita-Glob :


Miss Poland Benelux:


Zuyd University of Applied Sciences:


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