Centrum voor Midden- en Oost-Europa, Internationale Journalistiek en PR centrum, Tourisme

De Burgemeester van Lublin nodigt u uit om zijn stad te bezoeken

De Burgemeester van Lublin nodigt u uit om zijn stad te bezoeken

Zie onderaan de tekst in het Engels:


Poland is a great holiday destination because it has it all: history, nature, delicious food, friendly people, a lot to see and do. Poland means unlimited places for relaxation in the mountains, at the sea, at the lakes or national parks. And it is only 800 km away by car from the Netherlands.

But is Poland really a child-friendly destination? Can it become a new family – holiday destination? This is the question that I tried to answer during my last summer holiday. Soon you will be able to read a couple of articles presenting different parts of Poland seen through the eyes of children and their parents.The first city will be Lublin.

Polish Tourism Office in Amsterdam : www.polen.travel/nl,  Facebook.com/pools.verkeersbureau, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Trade and Investment Promotion Section: https://haga.trade.gov.pl/en and Zuyd University of Applied Sciences: www.zuyd.nl are  some of our partners. A complete list of our partners will be published with the first article.

But before that I have asked Mayor of the City of Lublin Mr Krzysztof Żuk, Ph.D.to say a few words about his city.

Mayor of the City of Lublin invites you to visit his city



Lublin is a city of inspiration. Thanks to its rich, more than 700-year-old history, and the interchange of cultures, a unique atmosphere has been developed in the city. This is an enchanted place which attracts visitors with its one of a kind atmosphere, abundant architecture and numerous monuments.

Lublin Old Town has been singled out as one of the most beautiful in Poland; indeed, one can experience the magic of little lanes and historic tenements here. Each year, around 70 cultural festivals are held in the city. We are proud to organise concerts and happenings in the public space, likewise exhibitions are displayed on squares and little lanes and open-air performances invite spectators to pop into charming streets.


Each and every year, summer time begins with the Night of Culture, a contemporary music is brought closer to the audience by the Diffrent Sounds Art’n’Music Festival, and a unique festival of new circus, namely Carnaval Sztuk-Mistrzów, is a time of outstanding performances on a verge of theatre, dance and juggling. Jagiellonian Fair is yet another trademark event that showcases traditional products from such countries as Poland, Ukraine, Belarus or Lithuania, to name just a few.


I highly recommend visiting our stunning Old Town due to its great historic value. It is a landmark of Lublin which abounds in monuments dating back to the times from the early Middle Ages to the present day. Old Town prides itself as the Historic Monument. One can see it at a first glance just by strolling through Grodzka street, for instance. It is in the Old Town that the Old Theatre, the second oldest theatre building in Poland, is located. After a general overhaul in 2012, the building has been restored to its former glory so that nowadays, after 30 years break, it stages plays featuring artist from Poland and all over the World.


I wholeheartedly invite you to visit Lublin, City of Inspiration – a charming place where the past intermingles with the present, a place of extraordinary encounters. Thanks to the visiting tourists, Lublin is teeming with life and impresses with its positive energy. It is worth exploring corners of Lublin, discovering interesting stories and mysterious legends, and feeling the unique vibe of the city. I sincerely encourage you to do all of that.


Mayor of the City of Lublin

Krzysztof Żuk, Ph.D.



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